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Monday, January 30, 2012


Don't put all your eggs in one basket-always keep your options open and have more than one plan and way of dealing with a situation.

Always remind yourself not to be envious of what others have or what seems to be perfect remember all that glitters isn't always gold or what is best for you.

Remaining in a situation where you curse-he/she/they curse you, bruise you they get bruised isn't what we would call glitter.  There's no shame in walking away.  Don't worry about what people have to say. No one is perfect remember that all that glitters isn't what it appears to be.

Be true to yourself.  Know your limit-the decision is yours-look in the mirror face your truth. Look carefully once you leave an abusive situation that you cause upon yourself by not realizing your self-worth, you will see that the new you does glitter and you've made it through!

Analyze that so we can analyze this.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Is it hard to decide what to wear? how to comb your hair? what to eat or drink? Which route to take?  Decisions are so complex these days.  We have computers and gadgets to assist us with getting organized-what about a devise to help us decide on relationships?

Often times he/she/they can ask you the silliest question like do you still love me-any hesitation ignites a fight.  Why is it we can't just make the right decisions when it comes to our hearts?  Here's another question will you move in with me?  Hell some of us love the freedom of our home to come and go without questions.  Decisions to decide-gosh sometime just staying silent speaks volumes. The decision and answer is NO to both the above.

Decisions-Decisions its all up to you.  You hold your own fate by the decisions you make.  Analyze that so we can analyze that so we can analyze this.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Week 3 are you tired of him/her or them?  Are you already thinking of being with someone else or reuniting with an ex? What happened to giving love a try or to keep fighting the good fight?

On to the next one can often lead to much regret, feelings of guilt and shame can surface-especially if you cheat based on no real reason.  Wait! there should never be a reason to cheat.  If you don't want to be with someone put your big girl/boy pants on and say so.

On to the next one can happen to you.  Sometimes you can seem too confident and believe your relationship is solid enough and you are keeping that person happy-Oh no wait a minute! he/she/they have done what you have done and moved on to the next one.  So think long and hard because you will be all alone especially when you try and return to find the next one in your bed.

Analyze that so we can analyze this.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Hope we're all keeping to those New Years resolutions and holding on to our great expectations.  Some of you got engaged, found out that you're pregnant, brought a new home, got a new car or finally paid off the credit cards.  Then, there's the flip side the negativity peoples reality. They're still in an abusive situation broke almost jobless and homeless yest still finding the good in life.

Our greatest expectations is just expecting tomorrow will be and will get better. Avoid beating yourself up. As long as you keep getting up each day, breathing, hearing and seeing, that is the greatest expectation of all. The saying goes, Live-Love-Laugh.  This is so fitting to start your new day and each day there after.

Some say expect nothing and once it's received be joyous and content.  What's your greatest expectation?

Analyze that so we can analyze this.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Happy and prosperous New Year to all. It's the 2nd day of the year a chance to right your wrongs and treat ourselves right.  Be honest with yourselves stop being comfortable take a look in the mirror and love not like what you see.

It's a new day so make it a new you.  Stop procrastinating and giving up so soon.  Get your bucket list of wishes together and make them a reality.  Realize your blessings and smile at your achievements.  If you feel like you haven't accomplished your greatness then get out there and do it its a new day which equals a new you-no more excuses.

Learn to smile more-be more gracious-be humble-be alert.  All last year we've discussed putting you first, guess what, we won't stop this message because today is a new day for a new you and I comes before the they.  Put you first-keep treating you right.

Analyze that so we can get to analyze this.