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Monday, September 24, 2012


When you detect negative thoughts running through your mind you have the option to hit the off switch.  It is your life what you think and let out your mouth needs to be thought about first because your words are a reflection of who you are.

Beauty is about living your life and being happy with yourself inside and out and not worrying about what people think of you.  It's about expecting things for yourself before you can do them.  Think positive be in the right frame of mind at all times.

The way you process life will determine what your tomorrow will be like-use the right frame of mind.

Analyze that so we can analyze this.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Negative people will always try and drag you down to their level.  You should love them but always rise above them.  Keep in mind it's your destiny not there's.

You cannot change your destination overnight but you can change your direction overnight. Plan out your next steps with precision for this is your destiny not theirs.

My destiny is inevitable, it's fate.  It is bound to happen at it's own pace and time.  My destiny has hidden power that will control my future.  My destiny is destined for me just like yours is destined for you.

What are you destined to do, be and become?  Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, September 10, 2012


No one said life would be easy. No one said life would be hard.  Tomorrow makes exactly eleven years when America was hit with tragedy. 9/11/01 marks a day a time, an hour, a year that's etched in our mind forever.  The pain gets relived each year but this year it falls on the exact same day.

It's not an easy road 11 years later we try and move on.  We go on about our daily lives but the horror gets replayed when 9/11 roles around.  All we can do is live our lives move on the best we can and cherish and be humble for what we have and pay homage to those that are gone.

Each year we honor the brave ones we praise those first respondents and after 11 years we still are greatly affected.  For me it will never be an easy road the vivid images lay dormant and become alive with each new year in the end it's not an easy road.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, September 3, 2012


On days like this Labor Day, I remember my childhood.  Coming from a West Indian background smells are most important to me.  Scents of cinnamon, red snapper, rice and peas brings a smile to my eyes.  Remembering the time of Summer nights coming to an end.  Playing freeze tag and hide and seek. Ah! Such profound memories.

Remember the time of playing spin the bottle, going back to school shopping and crossing your heart hoping to die sticking a needle in your eye to prove your loyalty.  Ah! Precious memories never end.  Those friendships are timeless.  To still know someone who knew you when you were six is priceless!

Moments like this you hold on to because it brought out the best in you.  No bills, no worries and no headaches.  Just you being able to be carefree and having fun!  As we bid Summer farewell keep those thoughts close to your heart and always remember the time!

Analyze that so we can analyze this,