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Monday, December 29, 2014


Life is full of twist and turns. This is the last blog for 2014.  This year has opened my eyes to a lot of different things, people and opportunities. I certainly have learned a lot in the last 12 months.  On a personal note I know that some people are not always for you and do not define you.

Learn from the year we are leaving behind. Leave the hurt right where it's at.  Close the door and open a window of health, wealth and happiness.  Enjoy folks that are loyal and are there for you in good and bad times.  Have no regrets.  It's fine to out grow friendships.  Appreciate your adventures and look forward to the next chapter.

Love, Live Laugh! Blessings in 2015 let no one think they know who you are be who you always have been, REAL! 

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, December 15, 2014


The world we live in is very complex.  Decisions need to be made, choices to make and steps must be taken.  Society has already a stigma on some.  Barriers and walls continue to be broken. But, what happens when we are sick and tired of being sick and tired? 

Today's headline reads "I Can't Breathe". What else needs to be said? A man is dead and justice not achieved.  The crime of his death visible for all to see but no justice is reached. The message is his life does not matter one bit! 

To serve and protect is the badge of honor that is given. Not all of them are the same. There are some that uphold justice and protect and serve. Bit how do we hold those accountable for dismissing who we are? Who are husbands, sons, nephews, grandsons and men are of brown, black, tan and yellow? Why do we have to justify it. Wasn't this land your land and my land made for you and me? 

When does freedom really begin and we already at the end of 2014? Better yet when will you just let us breathe again?

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, December 8, 2014


Thinking positive to start off your day really works! Things get so hectic we often forget the simple things like breathing, smiling and simply saying thank you. 

Take time out to truly value who has your back. Look around you and see who are your loyal followers and true team players. We often forget the people that have been there since day one in our lives. It's critical to be aware of who is true to you. 

Positivity can go a long way but so can being true to yourself and remaining humble because everything that goes up will come down. 

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, December 1, 2014


Season of reflection is upon us as we begin the countdown to the end of the year. 2014 has had it shares of ups and downs. We have shed tears and laughed at the joys we have experienced. 

What is most important for us to grasp is if we do not have financial means to buy gifts this season then don't force your hand. Don't sacrifice to end up more in the hole. Process your means and understand the gift of love, laughter and time are more valuable than a sweater or blender that won't last forever.

Your presence, love, time and memories are endless moments that will last eternally. Don't force yourself to do what you literally cannot do!

Analyze this so we can analyze that. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Stand Strong!

Once you give someone the opportunity to know your weakness they capitalize on it to gain power over you. Why give such a person the right to manipulate and bully you. 

The term mean girl I thought was just in a movie like the Devil Wears Prada. The name the Gouche was from a TV show. Well, people out there can victimize you and make you feel like questioning your abilities. Again why give people that power. Kids are cruel and down right evil to their peers. 

Anything that's hot will get cold. Always remain humble. Treat others with respect. Don't say things that will hurt someone just so you can look good. Bullying is a crime and unacceptable. 

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, November 17, 2014


It's the season to reflect on what we should be most grateful for.  Sometimes we lose focus on what is most important to us.  Sometimes we honestly don't know what is or should be a priority in our lives.  You should always put yourself first.  This is not selfish this is fact! If you don't practice self-care who will care for you?

Reflect on who has been there in good and bad times in your life.  Reflect on if you have done the same.  In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.  

Life is about breaking our personal limits and outgrowing ourselves to live our best lives.  Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason. Reflect on that!

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, November 10, 2014


The greatest accomplishment is living a full life.  Being able to see an age most never expect is an accomplishment.  The young today say they lucky to see 25 years old why do our youth feel this way? 

There's nothing more disheartening then for the young to think so negatively and be so pessimistic.  Yes life is short but what can make the young think that means them? 
What are we teaching our children? Why do they not care about their well-being? 

What can we do as a society to lead the young to want a successful and productive future? How do we practice what we preach? How do we truly define an accomplishment?

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, November 3, 2014


Don't feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them. Life is about learning lessons and making mistakes.  It's okay if we fall  for someones lie once or twice but when we see a pattern and do nothing than shame on us!

We shouldn't subject ourselves to stupidity and look like a fool willingly.  Know when to walk away, wave the white flag and move on.  The past is behind, learn from it.
The future is ahead, prepare for it.  The present is here, live it.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, October 27, 2014


I am an explorer on a journey of self-discovery and soul growth.  I set goals, work toward them and hold a vision for my future.  While my path may take surprising turns, my life journey is a fulfilling one.

For guidance in navigating the twists and turns, I rely on the elders in my family,  I am seeking wisdom and direction because growing up requires a lot of guidance. Guidance comes in various forms, through a variety of channels.  

You have to open your mind and heart to seek the assistance you need especially  in making difficult decisions.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, October 20, 2014


Gone to soon.  All we are left with is memories for when you were an infant running to play in the snow or slide down the banister of the steps.  Gone too soon. What are we to do? Life is too short nothing left to really discuss.

We will miss you, we do miss you, we are lost without you.  Gone too soon.  Why wait to let others know how you feel? If you love someone show it, say it.  No need to waste time just be direct.

How do we move on? It will be hard but life does go on.  Cherish the little moments, let go of the drama and embrace the special times spent as one.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Cancer sucks! Please continue to make strides against all types of Cancer!

Monday, October 13, 2014


Respect yourself enough when to let something go that isn't allow you to grow. There are too many opportunities out there to let life simply pass you by. 

Take time today to retrace your steps to where you may have lost who you were to fulfill someone else's wants. Agree with yourself to let go and forgive yourself in order to find your courage to move on. 

Respect is a two way street. If you are not getting what you need from the person that you belief should accept and love you for who you are then, decide if you respect yourself enough to grow alone.

Analyze that so we can analyze this. 

Monday, October 6, 2014


Sometimes you have to forget what is gone, appreciate what remains, and look forward to what is coming next. Life is like a roller coaster full of ups and downs.  Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, nor forgotten.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but of appreciating what we do have. When you do something out of love, you don't count the cost. 

It takes some courage to stand up and speak; it takes even more courage to open your mind and listen.  When you do something out of love, you don't count the cost. When you talk, you are repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.

It's all philosophy. 

Analyze that so we can analyze this! 

Monday, September 29, 2014


Sometimes what we often believe  and what we perceive as being right and the only way to go can be false. In life things can be masked, made-up and a straight lie.  We rely on our gut, values and upbringing to distinguish what is real.

We need to encourage ourselves and know that nothing last forever. In life there is a reason and a season for everything.  We have to be okay with letting go and moving on.  We have to know when enough is enough and find our happiness.

Worrying will not change the outcome of what is meant to be.  We have to have faith and let life evolve as it should.  You are not what you have done - you are what you have overcome.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, September 22, 2014


There's a saying that every action has a reaction. Every cause has an effect. In life we make choice. Whether good or bad. Whether calculated and planned or based on emotion and lack of thought process, we are responsible for what we do or do not do

Following through on our word is what is looked upon. Being honest so trust is not lost is what is most valued. How do we gain again what we have lost if all we do is wait on the side lines for the other person to show affect?

Analyze that so we can analyze this! 

Monday, September 15, 2014


Values- the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of  something. consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of.

Interesting don't you think? How do we as a society value ourselves and others? It's important to respect yourself and treat others the way you want them to treat you.  Life continues to be very short. Tomorrow is never promised.  Cherish the little things and stop making big issues for things that mean nothing in the long run.

Values, ethics and morals the trilogy of the foundation of learning, evolving and growing in society.  Appreciate who you are, acknowledge your actions and take caution to thinking before speaking.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, September 8, 2014


You can let people manipulate, con and use you. People take your kindness for weakness and use your good quality against you and turn it into a negative.

There comes a point where you will explode on them because there is so much a human being can take. We try our best to do what is right but sometimes in doing right other sell you out.

Take control of your life get your balance and set your boundaries. Get your defense up bit never stop doing what is right and others will see it's not you it's them

Analyze that so we can analyze this! 

Monday, August 25, 2014


In life you will meet two kinds of people.  There are the ones who build you up and the ones who tear you down. But in the end you will thank them both because they have made you stronger.

You should only strive to be better than who you were yesterday and acknowledge your resilience to get through your days.  Life challenges us on a daily basis and we should say thank you.

Remind yourself that you are unique and you don't have to do what everyone else is doing.  You just need to be yourself and say thank you! Take a stand! You are great! You should have no regrets.  Thank you for being you.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, August 18, 2014


Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.  We all can do better in life.  Making better choices is the first step in being a better person.  

After a break-up, we either cry or rejoice.  Whatever the emotion, it allows us to reflect and realize we got to do better.   We got to do better, we must do better.  

Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others. Be preoccupied with your own situation to be worried about there's. Be better, do better! Most of our problems are because we act without thinking or we keep thinking without acting. 

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, August 11, 2014


Life throws us a lot of curve balls.  We either survive the rain and dance in it or stand still and cry.  It's about knowing your limit and what you can sustain.  It's about understanding who you are and how much you value your wants versus what you really need.

There comes a point in life where you stop trying to understand everything. Sometimes it's not meant to be understood, just accepted.  You will learn that there are two types of pain in this world. There is the pain that hurts you, and the pain that change you.

Sometimes, in life the wrong choices bring us to the right places. The simple fact is half the time, the ball is truly in your court.  Now, it's up to you will you catch the ball or let if fly over the fence?

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, July 28, 2014


To be a great leader you must have confidence with yourself.  Sometimes you have to walk away from what you want to find what you deserve. Stop hating yourself for everything you aren't and start loving yourself for everything you already are. 

Great leaders are created through ambition. You have to really want something and believe it in order to achieve it.  Life is about moving on, accepting changes and looking forward to what makes you stronger and more complete. 

You are a leader. Say it, strive for it, believe it become it!

Analyze that so we can analyze this! 

Monday, July 21, 2014


Moving on and letting go are the hardest a actions for any one to go through.  However, closure is the best cure to the many unanswered questions

Whether it's  romantic relationship, friendship or business partnership that is coming to an end, we all need to know the why and what went wrong.

Remaining silent is the worst thing one can do. It causes anxiety, fear and anger in someone when they have no understand as to why things are not working out.

It's important to communicate. Get what you need to say out in the open. Everyone deserves and ending to their chapter regardless how a situation may have ended.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, July 14, 2014


Appreciation is such a good feeling and being loved is even better. We often forget that it's the little things that matter like saying I love you and how was your day?

We have to learn to say thank you and you are welcome in order to show appreciation, courtesy and plain good manners.

It won't kill you to greet people with a nod or a smile. It won't take time away from your life for a simple acknowledgement. Be humble. Be grateful. Above all be respectful.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, July 7, 2014


People will mock you, laugh at you, diss your ideas and they themselves have no solutions, advice or an idea of what to do.  It's about believing in yourself, standing by your convictions and being firm with your decisions.

Never allow the in crowd to dictate your moves. Make your own destiny and be proud of what you stand for. Taking a chance is better than having the what ifs in life. Being your own cheerleader is the motivator you need to truly succeed. You do not need validation from others just do your thing and always believe in your strength.

Know you power, know your dreams both will be your drive to your destiny.

Analyze that so we can analyze this! 

Monday, June 30, 2014


Summer is here and it's time to relax and enjoy what is to come. Make yourself at ease. Stop stressing over the things that you cannot control.

In life you have to make the most of it. Allow yourself to smile, laugh and live the best life possible. Be polite to others and show gratitude.

Never be fearful of tomorrow embrace the bad and turn it into something good. Always keep in mind that you are not alone and all things are possible.

Analyze that so we can analyze this! 

Monday, June 23, 2014


"All my life I prayed for someone like you. And I thanked God that I finally found you". JoJo & K-Ci

That's how I felt the day I fell in real love. That moment when everything around you stands still and all you hear is the beating of two hearts, yours and his.  It's like you can't help but smile and stare wishing this feeling would never end.

Commitment is so important in relationships as is trust and loyalty. Those values for me go hand in hand if you lose one then you have lost it all. Its vitals to build a friendship first before claiming your love. Know the person before you commit yourself to someone. Know yourself and your limitations of what you will accept.

Don't think you can change a person if this is how you fell in love with the person. Patience and understanding must built up before you commit to one another. Take your time and use good judgement instead of leaping into something with someone you barely even know.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, June 16, 2014


Determination is a character trait that needs applause especially when we see our youth struggle to achieve success. School is not for everyone but a trade and a skill are so necessary in today's society. We must want more for ourselves and for the youth of tomorrow.

In time these youth will learn a valuable lesson. It's the same lesson we learned when we didn't listen and now we say wow wished I had listen back then. Yes, we should allow then to make mistakes but there should be a limit to what we allow to happen. These are the youth if tomorrow. Our social security will be paid by them. So why don't we invest in them?

Analyze that so we can analyze this! 

Monday, June 9, 2014


I'm not perfect neither are you.  Life is full of surprises, mysteries and adventures.  Life is about taking those leaps and chances without having regrets in not trying.  You try and judge me without judging yourself.

There was a time when you were once just like me.  Young, dumb, naive, passionate, daring, determined and resilient.  Stop pointing a finger and lecturing me for being just like you!

Life is about learning as you take a day at a time.  Look in the mirror, I believe I have your eyes.  I see that smile it's just like mine.  I'm wiser, I won't end up like you because I know what is best for me, just like you.

Analyze that so we can analyze this.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Life is what you make of it. I chose to grasp at all the opportunities presented to me. I chose to learn from my mistakes. I chose to be humble and not let my pride get in the way of accepting assistance and turning that into a teachable moment.

I see our youth, the emerging young adults feeling entitled, being disrespectful and not using education as their weapon of choice.  How do we save them? How do we teach them? How do we get them to wake up before it's too late?

We can start by having them learn what it means to work for what they want and understand the value of family. Make it hard where their only choice is to be thankful, humble and respectful! The choice is there's.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, May 26, 2014


Don't fear change.  You may lose something good but you may also gain something great!  You have to be smart enough to hold o. And be brave enough to let go!

It truly is difficult in ignoring the obvious.  The hardest part of acting like you don't care is knowing how much you actually do.

Just remind yourself that a happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances but rather a person with certain set of attitudes.

You just got to learn to be stronger, wiser and bolder than the average person, just so you can get by!

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, May 19, 2014


A blessing in disguise you came into her life as her best friend and companion.  Some nights you snuggled closely to her, alerted her when a stranger was nearby and was her alarm clock that kept her on track.

Today she is crying tears of sadness, tears of pain and tears of fear as she says good-bye which is the hardest thing she has to go through at this time.  She loves you and cherishes you.  You came into her life and was the miracle she needed and she knows you are still in her heart.

Her little miracle is laid to rest but her soul, memories and love is what you have to embrace.

This is for @heavenlyshine aka Nikki who lost her beloved puppy Molly today. RIP! Dogs are truly a best friend.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, May 12, 2014


Let go of the hurt. Let go of the pain.  Forgiveness is therapeutic.  Releasing is healing.  A woman's world is forever complicated because of the many relationships that has us twisting and turning.

In life regret nothing for everything has a reason and it's own season for why people and things come into our life.

A woman's world continues to change.  We must accept that nothing remains the same.  Embrace the here and now.  Move forward and onward with grace and pride.

A woman's world is comforting, bold and consistent.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, May 5, 2014


Life is too short to worry about stupid things.  Have fun, regret nothing and don't let people bring you down.

I honestly see no point I. Dwelling on what could have been.  You either make it happen or you simply chase a greater opportunity.

Life is simple, instead of always looking for something wrong, look at what's right!

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, April 28, 2014


There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it.  You surround yourself with people who make you laugh!

Forget the bad and focus on the good.  Love the people who treat you right.  Pray for the ones who don't.

Life is too short to be anything but happy.  Falling down is a part of life.  Getting back up is living.  I AM UP!

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, April 21, 2014


They say when you feel like your backs against the wall or when you believe all hope is gone, that's when something powerful occurs, like a miracle.

The moment you're ready to quit, is usually the moment right before the miracle happens.  Be patient in life because nothing last forever.  All things do come to an end for something bigger and better awaits you!

Miracles do happen you just have to believe!

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, April 14, 2014


It's okay to feel sad.  It's okay to want to be alone.  It's okay if sometimes you just want to disappear. No one is perfect and no one is expected to always be happy.

Emotions are in sync with what we feel; happy, sad, excited or angry.  It's not really your choice when an emotion goes into affect, it's really a reflection of how you adapt to your environment.  I choose to move forward in life and attempt to be happy! What about you? Because I'm choosing to be okay!

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, April 7, 2014


You need to take a minute, breath, stand or sit still for just one moment, to recognize your needs.  A vision board is the most important and creative tool for you to uses to be able to see where you want to be.  A vision board is your timeline to success!

I love clipping pictures, motivational words and quotes as a tool for me to foresee the future I expect to achieve.  It gets no better than being able to preview the best life you are seeking and working towards.

Say your vision, visualize your vision and live your vision.  Life is too short to live the visions of others.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, March 31, 2014


There's a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot a time to kill and a time to heal.  A time to tear down and a time to build. A time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to dance.

A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them.  A time to embrace and a time to to refrain from embracing.  A time to search and a time to give up.  A time to keep and a time to throw away.  A time to throw away.  A time to tear and a time to mend.  A time to be silent and a time to speak.  A time to love and a time to hate.  A time for war and a time for peace.

In the end, make time for everything!

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, March 24, 2014


The enemy is not fighting you because you are weak.  He's fighting you because you are strong.  In life sometimes we just out grow people.  It's difficult to admit but no one ever remains the same.

Like the seasons change, so do we.  Life is too short to let it pass you by.  People will try and test you, speak against you and challenge you.  Remember your strength and courage.  Most importantly, know that no weapons formed against you shall prosper.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, March 17, 2014


No one knows what others go through in their day to day.  Everyday someone is struggling to live, breath, eat etc.  We pass people by on a daily basis not knowing their pain, not hearing the cries.

We smile to say hello and nod to say good-bye.  We never know what day will be our last. It's important to acknowledge each other early on and show appreciation and respect.

There's no crime in making time to interact with others. It won't do harm in saying how are you and have a nice day.  This is called common courtesy and human kindness.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, March 10, 2014


Sometimes the strongest women are the ones that love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about.

As women we sometimes suffer in silence to spare others in feeling sorry for us.  We don't have time to worry about who doesn't like us because we are too busy loving the people who honestly love us back.

As a woman learning to say NO is an art and understand that you do not owe anyone an explanation. We are too busy living our lives that we have no time for hate, regret or fear.

We are strong women growing stronger each year.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, March 3, 2014


I am strong because I have been weak.  I am fearless because I have been afraid.  I am wise because I have been foolish.

Every relationship has it's problem but what makes it perfect is if you still want to be together when things go wrong.

Sometimes two people have pt fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.  When you love someone their mistakes never change your feelings because it's the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares.  In the end, distance lets you know who's worth keeping and who's worth letting go.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, February 24, 2014


The world may identify you with a label, such as parent of child, wife or husband, employee or manager.  Each label is only a description of a role you play.  It is not who you are.  You are more than your gender, more than your position in life.

You should embrace who you are in body, mind and spirit.  You should watch for self-judgment or self-criticism that hinder your expression by being who you are.  You make a valuable contribution to the world around you.

You should be thankful for your uniqueness, recognize your special qualities and shine your light brightly.

If you do all this you have just accepted you!

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, February 17, 2014


I am an overcomes.  I am bold and fearless.  My indomitable inner power comes not from my ego but from my beliefs.  All my accomplishments are the results of a team effort.  With my faith, no one or nothing can defeat me.

As I focus on doing better, I let go of living small.  I release aches and pains, fears and failings.  I am more than a physical being.  I am invincible, fearless, strong and free!

I can reach any goal and meet any challenge.  I surmount any obstacle on the way to my goal,  my faith is with me and within me and I am INVINCIBLE!

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, February 10, 2014


Beginning something new can be very difficult.  No one wants to start from scratch.  Everyone deserves clarity, honesty and a clear understanding of why things fall apart.

This week is the week of Love.  Saying to someone how you truly feel on Valentines Day makes you question why isn't this done all year long?  Love and saying I love you just doesn't seem real anymore.  Reality shows, have made a joke on love.

So, how do we get pass the phoniness and find what's genuine and true?   The answer is we just have to leave ourselves open in the hopes true love walks in.  Remember, we have to experience hurt and pain to get to that Ah Ha happiness.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, February 3, 2014


Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life because you made a decision for you.

Sometimes we need to be hurt in order to grow we must lose in order to gain.  Sometimes, some lessons are learned best through pain.

It's best to make decisions that will be best for you.  Don't ask what others will do this is your life and it's up to you to choose.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, January 27, 2014


People remember never be too busy to take time out of your day for those who matter the most.  Write your bucket list of the must do for your life.  Too many people are dying too young.  Make sure you do the things that will make you smile.

Quality time with family and friends is very important.  But quality time with yourself is always a must have!  You must always take care of yourself first.

A walk around the block, spa day, dinner for one or a movie, is the right kind of quality time for just you.  Quality time is what you make it out to be.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, January 20, 2014


As a child I may have clutched a favorite blanket or toy for a sense of security I may have feared that letting it go would change my world.  As I grew and matured, I learned to lay down those props, realizing I didn't need them to live with confidence.

Today I ask myself, am I attached it something that needs to be released?  A belief or habit, person or place?  As I remember my resistance to giving up my childhood attachments, I ask: is there something I need to let go of now?

I release any unhealthy dependence on people, places or things I am ready to let them go and allow myself to grow.  I open my life to new opportunities.  What about you?  Can you finally let go?

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, January 13, 2014


Understanding the here and now can be complex.  No one can ever really know how your life will turn out.  When you're young we dream about getting older making grown-up decisions because you're tired of the adults telling you that you are too young.

There are many days and nights I sit thinking about choices I have made.  Roads I took, turns I turned but nothing can make time go back to when choices weren't mine to make.  All the wishing and hoping is too late.  We must now embrace what is the present.

Being an adult is very difficult.  Being responsible for your actions is even harder but being accountable for your choices is unavoidable.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

Monday, January 6, 2014


The year has just begun.  It's called do-over moments.  It's your chance to lay out rules, say how you really feel and start anew.  Don't let guilt and other peoples feelings interfere with what you need to achieve.

The worst thing you can do to yourself is please someone else causing you to let your dreams go.  Never settle to have someone else feel good about themselves because this will emotionally destroy you.

Start your year off by being honest with the most important person that needs you, that would be yourself.  The truth hurts but the truth shall set you FREE!

Analyze that so we can analyze this!