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Monday, April 13, 2015


Today I'm sitting back watching the news with a smile in my heart. We are taking steps to say yes a woman can be President of the United States.  I don't usually do this,  but today, we need to really reflect on what is happening in this world we live in.

This is my opinion and I am entitled to it.  I have a right to openly say not everything and everyone is all bad.  The issues with our teen girls doing inappropriate acts is due to underlying trauma, environment and not having activities and resources in the communities.  I have said it before we need to take back control of seeing something, say something.  We can't continue to turn a blind eye to these children.  

I want to retire comfortably not anxiously based on our children not having the common sense to succeed in life.  We have to start with our girls they are the most shattered and vulnerable.  They are being lured into trafficking, stealing and being told they will amount to nothing.  It's time for us to get control of these girls and make them feel valued and loved.  This is strictly my opinion.

Analyze that so we can analyze this!

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