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Sunday, February 5, 2017


It's been nearly 2 years and a couple of months since my silence.  There has been some transition in my life and difficulties in learning how to cope with loss and unexpected loss.  In time, I have learned that there are those you least expect to be by your side and those you most expected to be there were not.

I refuse to remain silent and allow other's to steal my joy.  I refuse to sit back and see thinks that are unacceptable occur without challenging others for their wrongs.  I refuse to not follow my dreams because you think it's risky.  I refuse to be still because I am a butterfly who is meant to be free!

In the last 2 years and few months I have grown and accepted my limitations, faults and imperfections! I am good because I understand me.  I have no patience for you to now want to get to know me.  Understand that I have no understanding for assisting you.

It's been 2 years and a few months and I am in a better place.  I have peace.  I have understanding.  I have me.  Why don't you analyze this so we can then analyze that! 

Glad to be back :)

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